Along with the Japanese Zodiac, the ABO blood type is widely used in Japan to understand a person’s temperament and personality. It’s a popular belief that people in the same blood groups have similar personality traits.
Based on the ABO blood group system, type A and type O accounts for about 40% and 30% of the Japanese population respectively, while type B and type AB are only 20% and 10%. The personality traits associated with each blood type are:
Type A
Positive: Earnest, sensible, reserved, patient, perfectionism
Negative: Over-sensitive, anxious, tense
Type B
Positive: Creative, flexible, active, cheerful
Negative: Selfish, arbitrary, eccentric
Type O
Positive: Optimistic, generous, strong-willed, confident
Negative: Stubborn, self-centered, irresponsible
Type AB
Positive: Cool, rational, sociable, creative
Negative: Unpredictable, split personality, indecisive